

Executing a language is a multi step process:

  • Tokenize the input (keywords, numbers, strings, etc)
  • Parse into pieces according to the grammar (eg an if statement would be composed of a test, a true arm and an optional else arm)
  • Output some sort of code to represent that. For example 3+4*5 would need to multiply 4 by 5 and then add 3.
  • Execute that code - it could be machine code executed directly by the processor, or something higher level interpreted by a program. (It gets lots more complicated than that with combinations of the two, translating dynamically from the latter to the former. This is outside the scope of a mini implementation.)

Fortunately Python already has code that performs the tokenizing and parsing in the ast module:

>>> ast.dump(ast.parse("3+4*5"))
'Module(body=[Expr(value=BinOp(left=Num(n=3), op=Add(), right=BinOp(left=Num(n=4), op=Mult(), right=Num(n=5))))])'
>>> ast.dump(ast.parse("if 3+4>6: print x"))
"Module(body=[If(test=Compare(left=BinOp(left=Num(n=3), op=Add(), right=Num(n=4)), ops=[Gt()], comparators=[Num(n=6)]), body=[Print(dest=None, values=[Name(id='x', ctx=Load())], nl=True)], orelse=[])])"

The code representation used is custom bytecode with about 40 different operations. These encompass control flow (if, for, goto), comparisons (> <= != etc), operators (* + - / etc), subscripts (eg x[y]), variables etc. Data is stored on a stack with operations acting on the stack. For example ADD takes the top two items off the stack, adds them and then puts the result back on the stack. jmp-compile contains the code that visits the hierarchy from ast and turns it into this bytecode.

The MiniPython Java code is what interprets the bytecode. It maintains the virtual stack, a context mapping variable names to values and the virtual program counter. The actual bytecode execution is done in the internal mainLoop method which is essentially a large switch statement on whatever the bytecode is at the program counter.

Bytecode Format


Instructions take one of two forms. If their value is less than 128 then they are a single byte. If 128 or greater then they are followed by an additional 2 bytes making up an unsigned 16 bit integer (little endian).

For control flow instructions the number is a relevant program counter address. For string instructions it is an index into the string table. For integer instructions it is used as is.

JMP file

Numbers are always two bytes little endian and should be sufficient for anticpated usage (note Mini in the name). However if there is a need to expand in the future then the version header allows for the representation to be updated.

Size (bytes) Description
2 Version header. Currently only 0 is supported.
2 Number of strings in the string table
variable Each string is two bytes of size information followed by the UTF8 bytes making up the string. There is no null terminator or similar.
2 Number of entries in the line number table
entries*4 Each entry in the table is four bytes consisting of two numbers mapping a program counter to a line number. When subsequent program counters map to the same line number they are omitted from the table so there will be one entry per line of executable code in the source
2 Size of the code
code size The raw bytes making up the code

Anatomy of

The main data structure is a stack of Objects, a stack pointer and a context. The stack holds the data to be operated on. The context holds a mapping of variable names to their values. Java types are used wherever possible.

The function mainLoop contains the switch statement on the current instruction. Each instruction examines its data, throws exceptions if unsuitable or performs the operation. Since existing Java types are used they don’t know about Python semantics and the code uses lots of instanceof.

Calling Java code is very complicated and implemented in the nativeCall function. It should just be a simple call to Method.invoke but that has several short comings. It doesn’t handle variable arguments requiring that nativeCall has to do the packing from variable arguments to the final parameter array. Additionally when types are not correct you get an IllegalArgumentException with no further detail. This is extremely unhelpful since you wouldn’t know which parameter is the problem or which types should have been used. Consequently nativeCall does the type checking itself so that useful error messages can be given.

Global functions are implemented by finding class member methods with an appropriate name prefix and added to the root context. nativeCall ensures they are called correctly.

Instance methods are implemented in a substantially similar manner except they are looked for when the code does a name lookup on an item.

There are a few other nested classes to hold various pieces of data (eg “modules”).


The listing shows --dump output. The first numeric column is the code offset. This is followed by the name of the instruction. Near the bottom of jmp-compile is the list of name to byte value mappings. For instructions that reference strings the relevant string table entry is shown as a comment.

The contains the exact implementation for each instruction. This is a brief explanation of some of the ones you see in the listing.


Puts the number on the stack. (There is a separate PUSH_INT_HI used for numbers that don’t fit in two bytes.)


Adds top two items on stack, pushes result. (Note that items could be numbers, strings, lists etc)


Takes the top item off the stack and saves it in a variable with the specified name


Puts contents of the named variable onto the stack


Removes top two stack items pushing True or False depending on if greater than


Take the top item off the stack and if it evaluates to False then go to the instruction number specified. False itself as well as empty strings/list/dicts, the number 0 and None are all considered false.


Pushes True onto the stack


Print statement builtin which needs to know if a newline should be emitted (the True or False pushed beforehand) as well as how many items it should print.


Takes top item off the stack which is how many parameters the function takes. It ensures that number were provided plus various other housekeeping operations.

#    1 x=3+4

    0 PUSH_INT 3
    3 PUSH_INT 4
    6 ADD
    7 STORE_NAME 0   	# string 0 = 'x'

#    2 if x>5:

   10 LOAD_NAME 0   	# string 0 = 'x'
   13 PUSH_INT 5
   16 GT
   17 IF_FALSE 28

#    3   print "greater"

   20 PUSH_STR 1   	# string 1 = 'greater'
   24 PUSH_INT 1
   27 PRINT

#    5 def fact(n):

   28 MAKE_METHOD 37
   31 STORE_NAME 2   	# string 2 = 'fact'
   34 GOTO 77
   37 PUSH_INT 1
   41 STORE_NAME 3   	# string 3 = 'n'

#    6   if n<=1:

   44 LOAD_NAME 3   	# string 3 = 'n'
   47 PUSH_INT 1
   50 LTE
   51 IF_FALSE 58

#    7      return 1

   54 PUSH_INT 1
   57 RETURN

#    8   return n*fact(n-1)

   58 LOAD_NAME 3   	# string 3 = 'n'
   61 LOAD_NAME 3   	# string 3 = 'n'
   64 PUSH_INT 1
   67 SUB
   68 PUSH_INT 1
   71 LOAD_NAME 2   	# string 2 = 'fact'
   74 CALL
   75 MULT
   76 RETURN

#   10 print fact(10)

   77 PUSH_INT 10
   80 PUSH_INT 1
   83 LOAD_NAME 2   	# string 2 = 'fact'
   86 CALL
   88 PUSH_INT 1
   91 PRINT

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