APSW documentation
APSW released 7 February 2025
- About
- Tips
- Example/Tour
- Checking APSW and SQLite versions
- Best Practice
- Logging
- Opening the database
- Executing SQL
- Why you use bindings to provide values
- Bindings (sequence)
- Bindings (dict)
- Transactions
- executemany
- Pragmas
- Tracing execution
- Tracing returned rows
- Defining scalar functions
- Defining aggregate functions
- Defining window functions
- Defining collations (sorting)
- Accessing results by column name
- Type conversion into/out of database
- Runtime Python objects
- Query limiting
- Query details
- Blob I/O
- Backup an open database
- Authorizer (control what SQL can do)
- Progress handler
- File Control
- Commit hook
- Update hook
- Virtual tables
- VFS - Virtual File System
- Limits
- Shell
- Statistics
- Tracing
- System and SQLite resource usage in a block
- SQL statement tracing in a block
- Formatting query results table
- Cleanup
- Installation and customization
- Extensions
- Best Practice
- APSW Module
- Connections to a database
- Cursors (executing SQL)
- Blob Input/Output
- Backup
- Full Text Search Example/Tour
- Is FTS5 available?
- Content setup
- Create/open search table
- Table structure and statistics
- Content
- Searching with SQL.
- Search method
- Query correction and suggestion
- Working with tokens
- Key Tokens and More Like
- Autocomplete
- Auxiliary functions
- Query parsing and manipulation
- Tokenizers
- apsw.fts5.UnicodeWordsTokenizer
- apsw.fts5.SimplifyTokenizer
- Your own tokenizer
- Your own tokenizer, part 2
- apsw.fts5.RegexTokenizer
- apsw.fts5.RegexPreTokenizer
- HTML tokenizer
- JSON tokenizer
- Synonym tokenizer
- Stopwords tokenizer
- Transform tokenizer
- Cleanup
- Full text search
- Virtual Tables
- Virtual File System (VFS)
- Shell
- Various interesting and useful bits of functionality
- Exceptions and Errors
- Execution and tracing
- DBAPI notes
- sqlite3 module differences
- Benchmarking
- Copyright and License
- Change History
- Module Index
- Index